How to change bad reputation at work


No one is perfect however a person’s reputation plays a very important role not only on personal level but also on professional levels. Reputation building can be a task! Opinions, image, perception etc are few heavy words, it takes a lifetime to create good reputation. So let us discuss how to change bad reputation at work, keeping in mind a person builds a bad reputation not purposely but by making few unknown errors which showcases negatively and hence adds to bad reputation.

In this digital age, reputation matters, all insights about your work reputation appear on search engines and social media, which explains why 69 percent of employers research candidates online before making a hiring decision.

At work people who you work with everyday, you want them to know your capabilities you want to build a reputation that truly represents you and your skills. But how do you recover after you have shown them a negative side or you've let the company or your co-workers down? Here are some ways to repair your reputation and overcome mistakes you've made at work.

Constrain yourself :

If someone has already created a negative perception about you by being too judgemental and this is hampering your peace of mind or  affecting you personal well being so the best way is to limit yourself to such people. It is always a good idea to constrain yourself from a team member or a colleagues or maybe your reporting manager ,in this case, your reporting manger who obviously is your immediate boss you can’t confine him completely but avoid personal talks, it should only be professional, do not get in any topics which are not related to work .This will also help in a case where a person is purposely creating a negative perception about you because of his or her malicious intention.


“I'm sorry” at the correct time can deliver a lot of weight However, saying sorry is not just about uttering those two words but actually meaning and feeling it. Always deliver your apologies in a way that the person should feel you are sorry and not pretending! If made a work failure there is no harm in accepting a mistake. It's better to have a reputation for apologizing than for being unrepentant. For example, if you were due to give a presentation to client but arrived late because your printer jammed or you got stuck in the elevator, still apologise and tell your manager you're sorry you didn't make it into the boardroom on time. Though things that may not be fully under your control, by saying sorry but you can more effectively recover from the mishap and save your reputation in the process.

Being great at what you do!

Be great in your work! It’s a foolproof way for erasing negative reputation, by being excellent in your work your boss and colleagues will also think high about you and you will always be top in the game and hence this will also make you feel confident and self assured and negative perception will not matter as long as you are performing well.

This process of Changing people's perceptions of you and your work doesn't happen overnight. And the fact is that not everyone around You at work will be your cheerleader, well wisher or have the willingness to look beyond your mistakes.

So at work when you take ownership, apologize, and do your best work, you can over look your most recent failure and begin to patch back together your reputation at work. The key for repairing your bad reputation after you have created a problem is the method you use to amend it and the actions you take to cool and sort it out is very important!

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