Are you sitting the ACCA June Exams???


   If the answer to the above is yes, then this article is for you. A lot of students wonder if the preparation that they have done is enough, and probably no one can ever with a full guarantee answer that one objectively.

Why do we say this? It’s largely because of the fact that some students can just do a texxbook and pass, while some will do every bit of practice material and still fail. Therefore, it’s important we put in some method this this madness.

Firstly, make sure you have done the textbook thoroughly before you start to attempt the exam questions. This is primarily because ACCA exams are based on concepts and therefore without knowing the why’s of the subject, you won’t be able to answer the subjective and scenario based answers. So get your concepts right!

Second and equally important is the exam kit. Make sure you do as many times possible the exam kit, be it Kaplan or BPP, it will help you make your answers more in line with the exam requirements. Remember, textbook is for concepts, but the real deal is in the exam kit. However as mentioned earlier, without the foundation, you can’t jump into exam kit questions. So do this thoroughly.

Once done with the kit, try to do the full mocks on the CBE platform. If this is your first paper, it is almost compulsory to do them on the platform so that you know how to approach the exams in the real environment. Even if you are very good with excel and word, the platform works slightly different therefore using it for practice becomes very important. There are lots of past papers and specimen papers, do them all, make sure you time them and if possible get some feedback for your answers from your tutors or faculties.

Lastly, don’t forget the ACCA global site is full or very helpful resources, therefore please use it. Check the examiner’s report when you are doing the past papers, and see what they have written in regards to what they wanted in the answers. That will help you align the answers to examiners requirements and get more marks. Additionally there are technical articles that give good insight on the concept based questions, help you become better at it. There are MCQ based tests available; you can use them to improve your chances of getting higher marks.

So as you can see, there are multiple things that can be done, and if time invested appropriately, ACCA exams can be cracked at first attempts like many do. We thank Zaheer Sayed, ACCA  for helping us giving some further insights for this article. Wish you all the very best!

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