Ways to deal with stress at work


Have you ever felt drained and depressed while at work? Has Monday morning become one of the most hated things in your life? Are you always trying to find reasons for not going to work? Have you been arguing with your friends and family lately, only to realise that it was your fault to begin with? If the answer is yes to any of the questions, then be aware, as it may all be leading from one reason i.e. Work related stress. Read on to find out what you can do to fight it!

Know your reasons that trigger stress at workplace:

Money and family are the major causes for stress at work. Situations at Personal level and Social factors can play an important role in this.

If not handled at the earliest, work related anxiety leads to stress and depression. Achieving impossible targets and deadlines, relationships with bosses and colleagues, long distance travel and lack of family support are some of the reasons that causes anxiety.Therefore the first and foremost thing that you need to do before working on your anxiety is to find out what is causing it.

Observe the signs

Reading the signs and knowing what’s happening within you is very important. If a person feels demotivated, restless, constantly irritable, sad, angry, anxious, experiencing frequent headaches, backaches, fatigue, indigestion, high blood pressure, chest pain or breathing issues, all of these could be sign of the stress levels. Trouble in concentration and confused while making decisions are few signs which indicates that the stress level is going beyond your control and the person should be alarmed and take immediate measures. Therefore as soon as you have realised that one of the above signs are repeating more often than they used to be, then you are facing stress.

Ask for help

One of the best things that you can do once you have realised that the stress has become an issue for you is to reach out to people in your friend circle,family or colleagues who provide positive energy and who can listen to your problems without being judgemental.Expressing your thoughts or speaking your mind reduces anxiety and helps you calm down and clear your mind.A positive support system is very necessary to keep you away from a harmful mindset, sharing your feelings with others will keep you grounded by ensuring someone is always looking out for you. Look for professional counselling to deal with depression and anxiety related medical conditions.

Ensure your personal health comes first

Never give up should be the motto in such situations. The capacity to recover quickly from difficult situations will increase only when you take care of your mind and body. Food, sleep and exercise are the major factors. Getting 7-8 hours’ of sleep is very important, eating healthy food and at the right time , exercise to boost energy, breathing exercises helps a lot in keeping mind calm and sound. One should join yoga, gym which will help the body in getting into the routine and at the same time making social circle. As soon as you start to do these things, you will realise that the brain starts become more positive. You’ll start to love your life more, enjoy being in company and lastly be more satisfied with life which is a signal that things are improving.

Make a to do list

Another thing that can be done is to manage your tasks well; so make a calendar and follow it diligently, deal with tasks or projects in three steps. Prioritise your list, deal with the most important projects first so that u have your full focus on it. Divide your large and stressful projects tactfully that later you are able to complete it successfully and this will give you a sense of achievement and boosts your morale. And finally manage in such way to achieve the goal that are workable and do not exhaust you. Therefore pick up goals that are doable and manageable. One very established theory is to have objectives that are SMART i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time bound. The smart objectives will help you keep a tab on how things are moving and in the right direction.

There can be many factors that will make you stress-full at work and also the solutions to always be on track and deal with such situations tactfully. One should always have a positive approach towards life and strive hard to achieve the goal. There are very few who have no work stress at all, however it is all down to you how you manage them and ensure they don’t completely overtake your life. You should always be in the driving position, and whenever work stresses out, take a step back, breath, and go for it. Life is all about how you see it, you’re the only one who can bring positive change in your life!

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