Most helpful exam tip – Focus and Study Smart!!

Helpful exam tip

Most helpful exam tip – Focus and Study Smart!!


We have in past written about what to do to ensure you clear your exams, how do you prepare for the d day, etc. However the most important tip of all is staying focused. In this article we write about what can be done to ensure we stay focused and of course clear the exams.


Study Smart -At times it gets difficult to usually sit to study for along time (for example 2-3 hours at a stretch), but though the studying was done effectively the output is not as much as it should have been. What needs to be done for effective studying; the key to effective studying is not sitting and studying for longer hours, but studying smarter.Learn to study in blocks of 50 minutes and then followed by a 10-15 minute break. This will help in effective studying.


Building a right approach towards studying is another way to get things right! Being in the right mind-set is very important,having the right mind-set towards studying is necessary.One should not force themselves but should always motivate yourself by identifying your skills and capabilities and enjoy the process of learning,being determined and positive is the key here!


Setting up Targets- Set a time frame,take it as a challenge to complete the target which you have set,the targets which are set should be realistic targets which are achievable.As it is wisely said avoid comparing yourself to others, make your own goals and stay on your own pace, whatever it is that works for you. Use a dedicated ‘study space’ and a dedicated ‘study time’.


Positive Environment - Keep your space clean, well ventilated, brightly lit and sit with everything you need for that study block. Another very famous management strategy, make sure the targets are SMART i.e. specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. Only SMART targets will get you towards your end goal.


Avoid distractions–Nowadays mobile phones have taken over everyone’s mind,due to which the concentration level hampers.This entire generation is struggling with mobile phone addiction and to get hold of your life, reducing this addiction is a must. You need to understand that everything will still be there on your phone, the WhatsApp posts, Instagram feed, Facebookvideos updates, messages,so post your exams you can leisurely sift yourself through it to your hearts content. But if you are not able to control yourself and cant moderate the usage, the best is that give the phone away to your parents. Get a real alarm clock, phone should not be used in bed,try and see if meals are phone-free.


One should always learn to take responsibility and accountability for their behaviour. Though it will get little difficult in the start but soon one will see the difference and it will add your productivity and efficiency, and then it will not be hard to follow it through, till the exams get done. One needs to go offline and focus and unlock their potentials for the long run because competition is growing and choosing the right career path and staying focused is very important!!


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