Mistakes to avoid while looking for a Job

job search

Mistakes don’t look good when you are looking for a job especially when the market is competitive. There are a few points to keep in mind while looking for a job. And while there are mistakes that can be made, the worst would be to go about finding a wrong job!

If you are unsuccessful looking for a new job or if you are about to start a job search there are few things to keep in mind! Experts believe that job-hunting should in itself be a full-time job. If you are in college or a part timer while seeking a better job, your time may be somewhat limited. But you should put as much time and effort as you can into it. So here are few points to consider.

Never have too much information on your Resume - Having too much information on the resume is not advisable. You should only have details which you are very confident of! If the interviewer asks you a question regarding the same you should be ready with the answer and not get confused and wonder! This will definitely give a bad impression about you, to an extent that the interviewer might think that you have lied on your resume. There is no need to include 20 years of work history, your high school graduation date, or what you like to do for fun etc. The resume should showcase more about what you can offer the employer, hence a one or max 2 pager resume, starting with your core competencies, your achievements, qualification etc.

The job and the qualification is not matching - Be very careful while selecting the type of job; job hunt is bit like dating, the match between the job and the candidate should be perfect and close as much as possible. Take as much time needed to match your qualifications and experience to the job description. Don’t forget the qualifications become the foundation for any prospective job, therefore check carefully what the job requirements are and if you do possess those qualifications to stand a fair chance of getting the job.

Dress appropriate for the Interview - What you are wearing is the first thing the interviewer may notice, as the old saying goes, first impression can be the last one! Hence do little homework here, you need to research about the company and the workplace, if you don’t fit in with employees that work there, and they will make you feel uncomfortable. Being overdressed, wearing bright or eye catching colours may not look pleasant and may end your dream of getting the job before even getting a chance of uttering a word. Perceptions are made very quickly these days, and you wouldn’t want to spoil your chances of getting that dream job by dressing up incorrectly. Keep it simple, light colours like white or light blue with dark trousers are always a safe choice.

Do not talk irrelevant - Never talk something which will put you into trouble or sound stupid. Choose your words wisely, be very sure on the topics, as with the resume there are something’s which should be left unsaid during the interview. The interview should be about what you offer and the value-add you can bring to the organisation. Talk about your skills and qualifications which portrait you as an outstanding person for the job profile, focus on making a match between you and the job, talking irrelevant can knock you out! Keep the conversation nice and crisp, simple language and to the point.

Follow up- Never forget to follow up, after the job interview it is very important to follow up with the HR, this shows how important the job is for you if they select you, it always throws a good impression. A thank you note, email or a phone call thanking is a good gesture to show you appreciate their time and the opportunity. Organisations today look for such good mannerism before hiring anyone.

So in all ensure that you have done your homework before you go for the interview and at the time of interview do not forget to be calm and compose. Present yourself with a positive attitude, smile and remember, if you don’t get the job, there a plenty of opportunities. Try and learn from your mistakes and improvise. All the best!



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