How to prevent digital distraction in life

Digital distraction

Taking control of your digital life may be the hardest thing to do but some believe this is the most important thing to do if you ever want to stay focused in life. One should get a grip on their digital distractions be it your mobile phone, laptop, ipad etc. The culture of nonstop use of digital devices have made us  compulsive and, quite simply, distracted to an extent that sometimes we don’t even realise what’s happening in people’s lives living in the same apartment. In a Recent British study it states that an individual pick’s up his/her devices every 12 minutes. If you add the numbers up, you will see that a huge portion of your day is going in just picking up your phone to check if there’s a new message, whatsapp, insta story etc. on the phone.

So what can one do to strike a balance between staying connected and letting technology take over your life?The simple answer is by limiting your digital connectivity that will give you back time, energy, and control.However here are some simple ideas of how to eventually move away or limit your distraction –

Digital Detox-There should be a “tech blackout” day once a week. More and more families are making efforts to have a dedicated one weekend day for unplugged family time.This digital detox should be like a real blackout. Therefore during this blackout it should only mean spending quality time with the people who are important to you.

Set boundaries-One should try and set boundaries for the usage of phone, internet etc.For example try your best to avoid cell phones during meals, family car rides, or a particular hour of the evening and also at night before going to bed, these gadgets should be kept far away so that you don’t get the urge to pick up and start using it. Instead put them away in some another room and hence you can get good and sound sleep. There are softwares that will ensure that the amount of time spent on phone is limited, one can google and see several option available.

Utilise your time wisely - one should feel in control while using technology like switch off notifications, set times to answer email or check Facebook a few times a day. Not only will this boost productivity, also you will not be glued to the screen always, prioritise your task in such a way that digital distraction is the last on your list. Again there are applications available that can help you manage your time better so that you don’t have to keep checking your phone often.

Go Analog -Go non digital! We should remember pen and paper!!Our mind remembers what we write far better than what we type.When you write something down you encode it in your memory.So the point is let go the attitude which says that laptop or phone is time saving than using the best available gift available which is your hands!

It’s our duty and responsibility to use technology in such a way that it should not harm others and also we should be aware of its negative consequences on health and environment. The technology obviously is imperative for the human growth however at the same time it shouldn’t be the reason for humans to grow apart. Let’s not forget our children learn from what we do, therefore if we are going to be stuck on our phones, we can’t be expecting our children to be off gadgets and doing studies or actual sports. Therefore take a control now before it gets too late.

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