How to Deal with ACCA Exam Failure

Failure Success

“Failure is success in progress.” – Albert Einstein.


Well, we read so many such quotes on success and failure often but the dark part is that often we do not follow them. We live in such a society where success is no doubt appreciated but failures are dwelled on, focused on. This is where the students get trapped and experience the negativity. Consequently, we get to hear news such as suicide or depression. Exams over the years have got translated from success gates into worrying gates. However, there are many ways through which you as students can handle failures strongly very well and win over. All it requires is the change in attitude.


So, recently the ACCA results are out and hearty congratulations to the pass outs. To the ones who scored few less to be declared to be qualified, relax. It should be understood clearly first that failure is not the end. Even it should be very clear in mind that even qualifying the exam does not mean that you have your life set ahead. Qualifying the exam does not guarantee a secured future though most of the qualified ones have it. So, it is perfectly fine to fail in few attempts in your ACCA examination as long as you do not lose hope and confidence in yourself.


There are many ways out which can really help you manage your examination stress and cope with your failure. This article will provide you with the winning tips to help you deal with exam failure and prepare actively for the next one. Scroll down!


  1. It’s OK to fail

Fix one thing in mind whether your goal is just to qualify the exam or justify your future? It is completely agreed that ACCA examination is not just like any other examination to face. However, failing in few attempts in ACCA exam is absolutely fine. You need not worry much about it but rather keep your hope alive and think about your long-term goals. Failing in few attempts and then qualifying the exam does not ruin your future career. So, even though you fail in your initial attempts, you still can secure your future and shine it brightly.


  1. Assess Yourself

Most of the times, you may find yourself well prepared for the examination but that may not be the actual case. It is always better to find your own faults and weaknesses. This self-assessment or self-evaluation helps a lot to identify problems and deal with them smartly. Check where you went wrong in the examination, which questions you attempted were misinterpreted, which formulae you missed or forgot, what length you did not follow for the subjective questions, etc. Such assessment is helpful to eliminate the errors and move a step ahead.


  1. Believe in Yourself

The most important thing to deal with your failure is to not lose belief in yourself. You need to be confident and strong all the time. Once you understand that failure is not fatal, you can keep your confidence instilled in you forever. The next is to stop comparing with other. No two lives are same, every person’s journey and path are different. Even if a person qualifies the examination does not mean that you remain behind and he succeeds in life. Do not lose hope, stay firm on your determination and take steps forward in the same direction confidently. If needed, stay away from negative people and start your preparations with poise.


  1. Follow Time-table

Even the school examinations were preceded by a proper time-table. The importance of time-table cannot be ignored at all since it really helps at all stages of examinations in life. So, even ACCA is not an exception to it. It is always better to make a schedule of all the subjects and dedicate fixed hours of a day to study them. Also, check a particular time in a day that is best suitable for you to study the most difficult subject. If it is the morning hours, study the most difficult subject in those hours. This way you can memorize difficult content easily. This will help in maintaining consistency and regularity in studying each subject each day.


  1. Stay Away from Digital Distraction

Mere preparing a time-table is not enough. You ought to follow it every single day without fail. To focus maximally, stay away from various digital gadgets that distract you every now and then while studying. Make a rule to not to check your mobile phone until you complete your studies for fixed hours. This will increase your focus on each subject and eventually, you will remember the topic studied for longer period of time.


  1. Do Not Ignore Food and Sleep

Psychology says, if you have enough healthy food and sleep, you understand and memorize things quickly. Unless you have your meals on time, you cannot maintain your health properly which can badly affect your performance during your examination. It is equally important to have enough sleep so as to recharge for the next studious day. So, never ignore your food and sleep and have them at the right time daily and even during exams.


  1. Re-read and Revise

Revision indeed helps and is a kind of must during your ACCA examination preparations. Even though you may find a particular subject easy, but still you cannot afford to be over confident. Re-read every subject after completing your studies and revise it whenever you get time. Even before exam, you should revise the most important formulae and pointers. Make sure, during revisions, you do not mug up things. Mugging up will only make you forget the important points during the examinations. You have to understand each point and then memorize it.


  1. Practice Through Tests

The best study is when you give a mock attempt before actual examination. Solve various mock tests and try to evaluate yourself. This way, you can assess which areas you need to work more on and which areas you are strong. Also, this will help you to manage your time to attempt the actual question paper. Attempt these mock tests often between your studies so as to make your weaker sections stronger.


  1. Give Yourself Time

You cannot generate focus if you keep on studying the whole day and maximum hours at night. Breaks are equally essential, rather they are a must part of any examination preparation. Spare some time for your family and friends or for your hobbies or sports. Go for a short walk to refresh and recharge yourself. You can even do exercise to revive and freshen up. This will boost your energy and help you to concentrate more during studying. A time spent on yourself from your study schedule is a time worth spent.


Having said that and following above tips, with full determination and strong willingness to reach your dream of becoming ACCA you can definitely surpass all the challenges and will hit your goal sharply. Good luck for your next attempt!


Nidhi Manchanda 2111 days ago

Nice read.


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