How important is Networking for employment


Networking is an important part of not only job search but also in regular life. Around 75 to 95 percent of job openings are not advertised in sources such as the newspaper or Internet. One can only find out about these “hidden” jobs only by talking to other people or networking. Everything from a casual conversation with a friend to an informational interview with a potential employer is all about networking.

Networking doesn’t mean you only talk or pick up a conversation regarding jobs, it also means building a strong relationship so that you can be comfortable with that person asking ideas, advice and gives reference to those who have hiring power.

How does networking actually help in finding a job -

1.One comes to know about job openings that are not yet advertised

2.You tend to make inside connection at a company

3.Provide you with insights into an industry or profession

4.Help you get advice on your job search methods


How to build network -

Your network is already bigger than we think it is ! It includes your family, friends, and even casual acquaintances. Make a list of people you know including family members, friends, neighbours, former employers and co-workers, classmates, teachers, and coaches etc. Also remember the people you met through close connections like brothers or sisters’ boss ,co workers etc . You never know how networking can be beneficial.

How to grow your network-

There are many ways by which you can expand your network these includes

1.Professional Associations- one can join professional association it is a great way in meeting people of your same profession ,you can attend professional development seminars, trade-shows and other information events, here you have a great scope in meeting and interacting with people with strong professional background.

2.Active on Social media- one should be active on social media sites like facebook ,linkedIn,twitteretc where people post new job opportunities and one can have a look at. Social networking websites are valuable tools that can help you increase the number of professionals you meet and connect with. Also social network help you mould your career it helps you in providing a path for example if you want to start a career in a particular field you can look for people of the same profession and check how did they start their career ,education background etc.

3.Networking business cards- Networking cards have a look of a traditional business card ,it has information about your career and contact information.

This is a sample of Networking business card



Career focus

Contact information: telephone number, email, website

Summary of skills, qualifications, experience and background (on either the front or reverse of the card)

In the world of technology and social media today it is very important that every individual has a social media presence not only you can stay updated with latest happening In the world but also get you your next dream opportunity.



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