ACCA Results Unsuccessful – What Next?

ACCA Results Unsuccessful

   ACCA Results Unsuccessful – What Next?


We have often talked about this in our posts that if you’re not successful in the exams don’t be disheartened, don’t be too hard on yourself and don’t bog yourself down. And with the results out, many would have unfortunately seen the undesired outcome despite all the hard work you had put.

Let’s face it, failing in exams is the reality especially when the exams are as competitive as ACCA. However like we always say, failing is not end of the world and you need to get yourself together for the next session. So this article is all about what you can do differently or what can be done after an unsuccessful attempt.


Introspect – You are the best judge of your abilities and knowledge. Ask yourself, what were the areas that you were struggling in, what were the types of questions, areas of syllabus or for that matter was it more difficult to answer the theory or numerical. Finding answers to these questions are extremely important as that will be start for your next set of preparation.


Focus – Once you have identified where you are lacking, extremely important that you focus on getting it right this time. So for e.g. you realised that in the skill level exams you were struggling with Sec B Multiple Task Questions, and largely in the theory part, focus on these types of questions more. There are practice materials provided by Kaplan, BPP and ACCA themselves make sure you have practiced your weak areas more for a stronger comeback.


Examiners Report – Check the examiner’s report as soon as it is out. The comments would throw some more light on what could have been the possible areas where you went wrong. Obviously with multiple set of papers it is not compulsory that all the comments are fully relevant however, the examiner ensures the comments are holistic and in line with overall feedback. Therefore make the examiner report one key part of your prep if it wasn’t the first time round.


Mocks –Often when we take feedback from students, especially the ones who didn’t make it, we do get a lot of them saying that they had not done enough practice in exam environment or not done enough mocks. Unfortunately this mistake a lot of times is the sole reason for failure, as the student may have all the knowledge but may not be well versed how to answer the exam type questions in time bound environment. Therefore do as many mocks as possible, there are few available online or enrol with a learning partner like Financial Planning Academy ( who have mock series to help you prepare better.


Efforts – Lastly, one should never forget that there’s no replacement of efforts. Therefore if the last time around you had put in 100 hours, this time put 200 hours. You may think, it’s impossible and too much to ask, but let’s not forget that the rewards are fruitful once you’re a qualified accountant. Please make sure that enough practice of all types of questions and syllabus areas are done before the next attempt. If you’re sitting for 2 papers, then the efforts required are lot more, however clearing both is not impossible.


So to summarize, our message to all our students is that failure is part and parcel of life which in itself is an on-going exam. Therefore don’t stop, don’t over stress; don’t be too hard on yourself. Most of the people you see who are successful accountants or professionals today have all gone through the same drill, it’s just that they have achieved so much success that no one even wants to know how they got there. So if you want to see yourself at the top, don’t waste time dreaming and start acting on your goals. With that we would also like to say HUGE well done to everyone who cleared their exams, you deserve every bit of success and joy! All the best wishes to all for the upcoming sessions, do write to us with your feedbacks.

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